The Adder
Britain's only poisonous snake, though the venom is of little danger as it is mostly used for killing small rodents. Relatively squat proportions and a diamond pattern along the back make it easy to identify. Found Widely across Great Britain, but absent from Ireland. Can be found on heaths and moors and in some woodland areas. May also be found in wet areas during the summer months. The Adder Hibernates from October till March, and may bask in groups upon emerging.


The Common Frog
Found Widely across Britain and Patchily through Ireland. Color varies through Shades of green and brown. Male utters a faint croaking sound. Spawning takes place between December and April, depending on the climate. Mating couples and frogspawn are a common site in ponds, lakes and canals.


The Coot
Found in Lakes, Ponds rivers and canals throughout the UK. Is colored all black, with a white bill. Can be identified by its loud "Kwoot" call. The coot feeds by upending and making shallow dives for food, but may also graze waterside grass. Builds mound nests, which are often unhidden. Numbers are boosted in Winter periods by an influx of continental birds.


The Kingfisher
Bird with bright, spectacular colors. Electric blue back, with bright orange underbelly. Invariably spotted near water, as it uses branches overhanging rivers, lakes and canals to watch for fish. Dives head first into water to catch fish in bill, which it then swallows whole. Nests in wholes dug into the riverbank.


The Large White Butterfly
Yellow Underside to wings and creamy-white upperside with black tip to forewing; female also has two spots on forewing. Often spotted between May and September. Black and yellow caterpillar form often feeds on cabbages and other garden brassicas.


The Moorhen
Widespread and familiar wetland bird. Can become quite tame in urban areas, but else is wary of human presence. Adult has dark brown wings, but otherwise is mostly black, with a red bill and sheild. White feathers on sides of undertail are also a good way to identify it. It is often found on rivers canals and lakes throughout the UK


The Pheasant
Introduced to the UK from Asia, but is now well established. The male in unmistakable with its bright colors. and bright red wattle. The female is less striking with its brown coloring. Feeds on shoots, seeds and invertebrates and no doubt has impact on native plants and ground-dwelling insects where numerous. Widespread and common in mainland Britain and Ireland.


The Red Admiral Butterfly
Adults hibernate in small numbers but are seen mostly as a summer migrant to Britain and Ireland, often in fairly large numbers. Underwings are marbled smoky-grey, upperwings are mostly black with red bands and white spots. Commonest during July-August. Larvae are laid on to nettles.


The Gray Squirrel
Introduced to Britain from North America in the 19th century and has now become our most common squirrel. Is found mostly in woodland but can also be found in urban sites such as parks. Fur can look reddish during the summer months, but never has ear tufts. Can have an economic impact in commercial forests. Widespread in England and Wales but local in Scotland and Ireland.


The Badger
Can be easily recognized by its black-and-white facial stripes. Fairly common, but unobtrusive and largely nocturnal habits make it easy to overlook. When watched with care, it can easily be seen emerging from underground setts at dusk. Is very fond of peanuts but slugs and earthworms are very important in its natural diet. Found throughout mainland Britain and Ireland.


Canada Geese
A large and unmistakable goose, with a swan like stature. Originally from north America, but now fully introduced to the UK as a resident Breeding bird. Largely brown upper body, with white underside and a black neck with white cheeks. Nests in wetland areas and can often be found on lakes, ponds, rivers and canals throughout the UK

The Cormorant
This Large, dark sea bird is found in coastal areas, and also in smaller numbers near large lakes and rivers and canals further inland during the winter. At close range and in good light, the plumage has an oily sheen to it. In the summer, adults have a white patch on the face and the thighs. In winter however, the thigh patch is lost and the face appears grubby.young have dark brown upperparts and whitish underparts. The cormorants large, webbed feet are used to good effect when swimming on the surface or underwater in search of flatfish and eels. Plumage lacks complete waterproofing and so often the birds can be seen perched on posts with wings held out to dry.


The Fox
Common throughout Britain, but very wary of man, and justifiably so, given the history of persecution of this species. Can be easily recognized by its dog-like appearance, orange-red fur and bushy, white-tipped tail. The fox gives birth and spends much of the daytime in its underground 'earth'. Found widely spread in mainland Britain and Ireland. Has begun to colonize urban areas in recent years.


The Great Crested Greebe
Slender waterbound bird with a long, thin neck. The largest Form the British grebe species. Looks strikingly black and white at a distance, although its upperparts are mainly grey-brown and underparts white. In summer, both sexes acquire a prominent orange-rufous ruff. In winter they lose ruff, but retain a dark cap and a suggestion of a crest. Pairs of birds perform elaborate ritual displays in the spring. The Great Crested Grebe Builds a floating nest among emergent vegetation on lakes, gravel pits and canals. Breeds throughout Britain and Ireland to Southern Scotland. Can often be found around coasts in the winter


The Hedgehog
The Hedgehog is a familiar and unmistakable nocturnal mammal. At home in urban settings and often seen as a road casualty. Will come to food in the garden. If alarmed, rolls into a ball, protected against most potential predators by its spines. Widespread and common throughout Britain except a few Scottish Islands.


The Mallard
The mallard is a familiar duck who's habitat is widespread from the whole of the UK. The colorful male has a yellow bill and green, shiny head and neck separated from chestnut breast by a white collar. Its plumage is otherwise grey-brown except for a black stern and white tail. The female however has an orange bill and mottled brown plumage. In flight, both sexes have a blue and white speculum (patch on trailing edge of inner wing). The Mallard is resident throughout Britain and Ireland on wide variety of wetlands, and also often on urban ponds, canals and lakes where usually tame.


The Rabbit
The rabbit was introduced to Britain in the Middle Ages, but is now a common and conspicuous countryside mammal. Often numerous enough to cause serious damage to crops and natural vegetation. Lives socially in extended warrens. Most active from dawn to dusk. Found in most lowland areas of Britain and Ireland.